Friday, November 15, 2013

Captains log - Week 13

       This week has been a pretty big week for my character video. I have gotten a whole lot farther this week than I was last week.

       One of the most noticeable things I did this week was that I placed a green-screen behind my helicopter. The purpose of this is so that I can easily create the image of a moving sky behind the helicopter using adobe premier. I still have to light up the screen a little better, but it's going pretty smoothly thus far.
The only problems I need to fix with the green screen are light up the corner so that there is no black shading, and reduce the shinyness of my helicopter so the you cannot see the green reflecting off of it.

       The next thing I did to my scene was I finally got the door placement 100% correct, and I got my biped/character to jump out of the helicopter. My overall goal with this project is to have my character jump out of the helicopter, and land in a large pool of water. So far I have all of that animated, but all I have to do is add some water at the bottom of my scene, which won't be too difficult.

The animation isn't as smooth as I would like it to be, but it is definitely presentable, and the best I can really do. I've been struggling with the animation of this guy, so I am really happy with the results. I should have this scene totally rendered out by monday.

                   This has been a PSA,
                                                         Captain out


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