Friday, September 20, 2013

Captains log - Week 5

       So, week 5 was not my greatest week. The assignment was to start creating an intro for ourselves, and that has turned into an absolute fail for me. I wanted to make an intro for Carlos, Brant and I's comedy show called "unpeeled". My goal was to make a banana that un-peels itself, and the inner banana says unpeeled. I didn't even make it remotely close to my goal. I made about half of the banana before I realized that this was going to be a very difficult task.
here's prototype 1 of my banana:

I've made many other banana prototypes, but this was the very first one I made, and the only one I've saved. I accidentally made an eggplant instead of a banana.

       The only thing that I somewhat succeeded at was learning to use bombs. I blew up some text, and that's about it. It's pretty basic. I tried to modify the explosion with some gravity modifiers and such, but none of those worked either. So this was barely a successful project.



I also learned how to use cameras more effectively.

This has been a PSA,
                                                       Captain out

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