Friday, January 10, 2014

Captains log - Week 1

       It's been so long since I've posted. I've lost track of time. We have to start from the beginning. We have to go back to week one.

       So this week has been pretty interesting. We started modeling our "Joan of Arc" character, and that has been going pretty well. By following a tutorial on the internet, I have (so far) been able to make a character using the box modeling technique. This character is nowhere near completed, but it's something.
       To complete this task, I started with the reference images. By following the tutorial, I placed two planes onto my scene and pasted some images on them. These images help me trace the outline of my character while I continue to model her. The way that I am actually modeling her is very simple. I started with one simple box, and the rest of the body is just an extrusion of that one single box. By using the extrude tool, I managed to manipulate that single box into the character I want it to be. But just extruding the boxes isn't really enough. I also have to move the polys and vertices into the correct position so that each body part comes to a proportional size.

Anyways, that's all I've been really working on this week. It is a fun, yet difficult project.

                            This has been a PSA,
                                                                  Captain out

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