Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Captains log - Final Post

This is my final project. The pictures shown are pieces of my Rubiks cube and how they fit together. The pictures aren't the greatest because I wasn't prepared to make a blog post, and we are running out of time. I was supposed to give a presentation but that ended up falling through. Anyways, the pieces of my cube or going to print in about an hour, and hopefully I can assemble it tomorrow morning and see how it works.

This shows how the pieces of my cube fit together

                                       This has been a PSA,
                                                                         Captain out

Friday, May 16, 2014

Captains log - Week 18

Last blog post ever!!!      
       This week was honestly kind of a bust. Every individual piece is ready to be printed, but together as a whole, they are not. For some reason I cannot get the sizes to match up and fit together correctly. I haven't had much time to work on it due to my life guard classes that go until 9 pm every night, but with the little time I have had to work on it, I haven't been able to fix my issue. I'm going to try and test print the corner piece again though, because I know that it's the correct size since I've already printed it before. Except this time I'm hoping it won't have any poly/normals issues. I'll probably have everything fixed by this weekend. I hope.

       The project I enjoyed the most this year is easily the one I am working on now. Because it's something that genuinely interests me, and having my own 3D printed cube would be awesome. Considering I didn't really work on all of the class projects due to the box that I was building, I can't really say what I wish we would have worked on longer. I do remember that building the face on our box model was a little rushed, so i'll just go with that.

                                      This has been a PSA,
                                                                         Captain out

Friday, May 9, 2014

Captains log - Week 17

     I made a lot of progress this week. I took the MAX file home so that I could work on the cube on a better computer, and it was a great idea. This week I finished the inner mechanism completely, and it should function properly once it's printed. I also made a lot of progress on the center edge piece. I'm having some normals issues with the piece, but it's slowly getting better. The only other thing i'm having an issue with is that some pieces may not have mesh smooth because it creates issues. I think I should be ready to print by Monday or Tuesday of this upcoming week. Unfortunately, I have no pictures to show because the file is no longer here with me.

                                      This has been a PSA,
                                                                         Captain out

Friday, May 2, 2014

Captains log - Week 16

       This week was very successful for the modeling of my cube. I got the design for the inner mechanism totally worked out, and it works! I did a test print of the model, and it spins correctly, and is strong enough to work. Another plus side is that it fits with the rest of my pieces

All that's left for me to do is add 5 more pegs for the inner mechanism, and then i'm ready to print. That won't take long because all I need to do is copy and paste the one I already have 5 more times and then center them to where they need to be.
                                      This has been a PSA,
                                                                         Captain out